Monthly Archives: February 2014


What the Wizard of Oz taught me about the Minimum Viable Product

It’s not what you do that counts, it’s what customers think you do. If you’ve seen the Wizard of Oz, you’ll likely remember the bit where the Wizard’s curtain is pulled back to reveal the fact he’s doing everything manually. The impression created is, however, totally different.

Startups can learn a lot from this approach. It’s […]

By |February 18th, 2014|Consultancy|1 Comment

Roadmapitis – the virulent disease that could kill your startup

Over the years, I’ve seen many startups with a case of Roadmapitis. This can be deadly, if not treated in time. Patients usually present with some of the following symptoms:

A delusional belief that the tasks on their roadmap are a valid plan for the firm.
Fuzzy eyesight, which stops them reading between the lines of customer […]

By |February 18th, 2014|Consultancy|0 Comments

Why you shouldn’t raise money

The picture sums up the problem with so many web businesses that raise money, particularly when they raise too much, too early. The issue is pretty simple – until you know what to do with the resources you obtain, there’s very little to be gained by raising them.
I often say that giving money to a […]

By |February 12th, 2014|Consultancy|0 Comments