Once in a while I like to undertake a really unusual project. The great majority of my work is in business development for web tech firms, but the principles used can be applied much more broadly. One of the most unusual is Inscentinel, which uses bees to detect odours, such as in airport security applications.

At present, the firm is really an R&D project. Whilst they’re capable of delivering a service, the standard of proof that clients need isn’t yet available. The main work the firm currently undertakes is therefore research into potential applications, in partnership with potential clients. These contact can come from very surprising sources, and therefore having a decent PR strategy is vital. Part of the work done has involved improving the firm’s presentation on key social media channels, which these potential clients are likely to use before getting in touch. It’s also been about encouraging the firm to use the huge back catalogue of great PR more effectively. We’re also working to develop mailshots consisting of jars of honey from the ‘sniffer bees’. These are very unlikely to be thrown away like so much other junk mail, and are therefore a relevant way to remind key potential client’s of the firm’s capabilities.