Yearly Archives: 2012


Top 10 reasons why your business plan is pants

Edited from an email exchange on the ‘London Open Coffee’ group:

1. It’s too long and boring.  Nobody will read it.

2. Your business only works at scale, and you’ve no idea how to get there.

3. You have no experience in the market – e.g. you don’t even know what the trade association is called.

3 1/2 […]

By |October 13th, 2012|Investments|2 Comments

Fail fast, fail hard…

A decent marketing programme is just as much about finding what doesn’t work, as what does. You also need to be able to dissect these failures in order to learn.

Much of marketing is about taking ‘best practice’ and applying it to new products. It should be a smooth journey – in theory. But no marketing […]

By |April 9th, 2012|Consultancy|0 Comments

Creating a buzz

Once in a while I like to undertake a really unusual project. The great majority of my work is in business development for web tech firms, but the principles used can be applied much more broadly. One of the most unusual is Inscentinel, which uses bees to detect odours, such as in airport security applications.

At […]

By |March 24th, 2012|Consultancy|0 Comments